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Year 2023 Annual Meeting Ceremony - keep original intention, forge ahead!

In 2022, we have marched forward with solid steps, looking forward to 2023, we keep the original intention, forge ahead with resolve and tenacity! On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the New Year, Duvonn opened the Year 2023 Annual Meeting Ceremony, with joy and laughter......

Mr. Lin, general manager of the company, delivered an opening speech: He summarized the achievements made in 2022 and the work being promoted, and thanked all the friends for their unremitting efforts and hard work. Looking forward to the development of the company in 2023, he also put forward higher requirements of the whole team. 

Everyone has a stage in their heart, and the annual meeting is haunted by songs and dances, everyone is passionate and the atmosphere is lively. The wonderful programs took turns, cheers and applause one after another. With the growth of the team, new people come out in large numbers, their talents impress everyone!

A series of fun games even lit the warm atmosphere to peak. During the games, our interaction and cooperation have increased, more happy energy and team cohesion is coming out. In addition to the wonderful programs, the company also prepared a variety of rich prizes to see who would win the grand prize.

Let‘s welcome the new year 2023 together. See you next year!